About Trista Sunshine Company

Meet Trista
Trista Kutcher is the founder of Trista’s Sunshine Company. Started in 2019 as a new hobby sewing dog bandanas, gift bags, and ornaments, Trista’s talents quickly grew to a business model that lives both online and in stores in the Charleston area. In addition to the bandanas and ornaments, the Sunshine Company product line has grown to include tote bags, beach bags, Charleston fabric baskets, headbands, scrunchies, bowties, and baby burping cloths among many other items.
Trista comes from a long line of “going for gold” – in fact she won 2 gold medals for gymnastics at the Special Olympics World Games in Dublin, Ireland in 2003 at the age of 13, tried out and earned a position on her high school cheerleading squad with the sixth highest qualifying score. In 2010 Trista graduated high school and continued to work hard as a pre school classroom assistant, movie theater usher and barista. Oh yeah – we should mention, Trista Kutcher is now a 31 year-old living with Down Syndrome.
From a young age Trista found ways to brighten people’s days whether it was showing major spunk in her gymnastics and dance classes at 4, playing pranks on family members in her teens, and even writing individual notes to each of her customers at a coffee shop in her 20’s. It was at that coffee shop where her instagram account @TristatheBarista was born – now with over 50k followers. Trista’s main message is that she wants everyone to “be someone’s sunshine” and spread happiness and now she can do that through her love and talent as a sewing artist and business owner.
For more about Trista, please follow her on social media
@TristatheBarista & @TristaSunshineCompany.